Building spaces for Life + Work

Crafted from 5+ decades of construction management experience

Generations of Exceptional

Originating from 1956, Wennersten, Inc is a fourth-generation family construction business dedicated to the art and craft of fine carpentry, custom kitchens, and buildings. Working in close collaboration with both architects and interior designers, along with landscape architects, and engineers, we build beautiful homes to industrial + commercial spaces. We approach every project as a unique opportunity to apply classic woodworking techniques to modern aesthetics.

What we do best, our services

  • Rabolli Kitchen


    New Custom Build, Renovations & Additions

  • Commercial

    Commercial Interior Office Space

  • Industrial

    Warehouse Refurb

  • Finish Carpentry

    Kitchens, Finish Trim, Doors, Wine Cellar


Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.